The following items are just some of the restrictions that will need to be adhered to in order participate in team trainings.

Coach Responsibilities: 

  • Coaches must always wear PPEs when addressing the team or players within a 6ft radius 
  • Limit equipment brought to games, disinfecting all equipment before / after use 
  • Do not allow players to share pennies, other equipment, or water bottles 
  • Report confirmed cases of COVID-19 to member organization immediately and cease trainings and games 
  • Require parents to confirm their child is symptom free before attending training byanswering three questions: 
  1. Do you have a temperature at ≥ 38°C (100.4°F) 
  2. Are you currently experiencing any symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, lost sense of smell or taste, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea? 
  3. Do you have anyone in your household that has tested positive for COVID-19, or exhibited a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?   
*If your team doesn’t have a team manager or a team manager isn’t present at a summer friendly series match, either the head coach or an assistant coach must assume the team manager responsibilities.   

Team Manager Responsibilities: 

  • Monitor social distancing on sidelines by spectators 
  • Monitor congregating of parents at the fields or in the parking lot pregame, halftime, or postgame 
  • Send out communication (text/email) to parents prior to games reminding them of social distancing and congregation guidelines   
Spectator Responsibilities: 

  • Only sit in designated spectator areas (same as regular league matches) 
  • Abide by social distancing policy of 6ft away from other spectators outside of your household 
  • No congregating on sidelines or in parking lot before, during, or after matches 
  • Sit a minimum of 10ft off sideline Under no circumstances can a parent approach or be in the designated team area 
  • Wear PPE’s when interacting with other spectators, coaches, referees, or other players within a radius of 6ft 
  • Stay home if you have any signs or symptoms of being sick If you are a person of high risk, do not attend 
  • Symptom check their players before arriving at field 
  • Avoid contact with any players or spectators outside of your households